Your allround fitness center
in Rotterdam
Facilities & Impression
Physiomotion, your allround gym in Rotterdam center
Physiomotion is a sport centre and a private practice. Our building is about 1000m2 where we have a fitness area on the 2nd floor with equipment from Gym 80. We also have an elevator if you are not able to walk any stairs. Downstairs in the basement level you have access to showers and dressing rooms. We have 7 rooms for treatment sessions, an extra room for massage and another room for our podiatrist. Further while training your taste buds might be aroused by delicious cooking fresh meals out of our kitchen. Every now and then we also host a big party for our members with home- made eating from all places of the world from our international team members! Yummm!
Read more on personal training.
Our gym is easily accessible, both by car as by public transport. Contact us for information or pay us a visit. We love to show you around!